Fine Wines for Curious Minds and Adventurous Spirits

Are you the one who wants to know what is around the next corner? Stops to smell the flowers? Is fascinated by a reflection in a pool of water? Looking for that wine that intrigues you. Explore the Willamette Valley with Jessica as she makes wine with curiosity. She captures special moments through her lens as she travels the ever-changing landscape of the valley.

The Cortell Collection is the expression of Jessica Cortell’s enthusiasm and passion for the Oregon Wine Industry. She has many years of experience managing high end vineyards around the valley as the owner and Director of Operations of Vitis Terra Vineyard Services. She and her team have been the secret behind several renowned wine brands for a number of years. She owns Carlile’s Crest Vineyard and Cortell Rose Vineyard in the Eola Amity Hills which is the source of grapes for several wines. Cortell Collection also leases a couple vineyards.

The focus both in the vineyard and in winemaking is on sustainable, low intervention practices, and supporting the local community while still holding making exquisite wines as the highest goal. The vineyards are managed with organic and regenerative practices. Certification is soon to follow! Learn more about each vineyard on the “Vineyard” page.

While Jessica had plans to make wine 20 or more years ago and has made wine with friends for many years, she held off due to the demands of managing 35-40 vineyards around the valley. However, in 2020, when buyers started canceling grape contracts due to concern over smoke damage from the wildfires, she decided to pick a couple tons and made the 2020 Pinot noir blanc which is offered for sale. From there, she and her winemaking team continued to make delicious wine in 2021 and beyond.

With several vintages ready to sell, Cortell Collection launched in August of 2023. We look forward to exploring the Cortell Collection wines with you. Please check out the wine and go to “events” to schedule a visit!

Chris O’Connell, Collection Manager

Chris joined the Cortell Collection team in 2021. He has spent over 15 years in the industry, primarily in direct-to-consumer sales. Chris assists with daily operations and helps Jessica with the vision of the brand. His favorite wine to date is the 2020 White Pinot noir.